Sunday, April 19, 2009

Questions to ask your medical attorney

What sort of questions should you ask a medical attorney?
  • Ask the medical lawyer about his or her experience and areas of practice.
  • How long has the medical attorney and the law firm been practicing law?
  • What kinds of legal problems does the lawyer handle most often?
  • Are most clients individuals or businesses?
Will it be proper to ask the medical attorney if anyone else will be working on my doctor malpractice case? You're the one paying the bill, so it is well within your rights to ask the medical lawyer that question.

Ask your medical attorney or lawyer if staff such as paralegals or law clerks will be used in researching or preparing the case. If so, you need to ask your medical attorney further questions:
  • Will there be separate charges for their services?
  • Who will be consulted if the medical lawyer is unsure about some aspects of your medical lawsuit?
  • Will the medical lawyer recommend another medical attorney or firm if he or she is unable to handle your doctor malpractice case?
Don't be afraid to ask your medical attorney or lawyer these important questions. After all you're the one hiring the medical lawyer, so you're entitled to know the answers to these questions.

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