Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Medical lawyers help brain damaged boy recover $5M medical compensation

When Michelle and Kendall Turner realized that their son was born impaired, they did not delay in seeking the help of medical attorneys. After hearing their story, the medical lawyers informed them that they did have a possible doctor malpractice claim.

According to the couple's medical lawyers, both the doctor and nurse erred badly on that fateful day. That had Dustin, plaintiffs' son, been delivered by emergency C-section once he started to show distress, he would likely be a healthy boy today.

“Had the very simplest of steps been taken in recognition of the problems going on, Dustin would have been born 100 percent healthy,” the medical attorneys said further.

The Turners say they shouldn’t have taken anything for granted. They believe they should have questioned Dr. Mitchell Zager and labor nurse Mary Doran during Dustin’s stress-filled two-hour delivery.

The medical lawsuit didn't reach trial. It is believed to be among the largest pretrial medical malpractice settlements in the state of New Hampshire. The medical attorneys did their job pretty well, and the Turners received $5 million medical compensation to pay for Dustin's long-term care.

If have questions about a possible medical malpractice claim see a medical attorney as soon as possible. Generally, there is no cost to you to have your case evaluated by qualified medical lawyers.

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