Monday, April 13, 2009

Documents your medical attorneys need to see

When you meet with your medical attorneys to discuss a medical lawsuit which you may have against a doctor and other healthcare provider or hospital, there is only so much that you can actually tell your medical lawyer. However, you can show your medical attorney relevant documents that will help prove your doctor malpractice.

Here is a list of documents your medical lawyer might need to see:

  • Your medical records;
  • Your mental health records;
  • Prescription medicine information;
  • Your insurance information;
  • Hospital and medical provider invoices and bills;
  • Evidence of lost wages;
  • Documents received from the defendant; and
  • Any other document relating to your claim.
If you believe that you or a loved one has been a victim of doctor malpractice and you are planning on filing a medical lawsuit, your medical records will speak louder than words in many cases. If you do not have these records in your possession, be able to provide your medical attorney with the names and addresses of the providers you have seen. Your medical lawyer will then be able to obtain copies of your medical records on your behalf.

If you have sought treatment from mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, or psychotherapists, your medical lawyer will need to review those records whether or not you claim that the need for the treatment was related to your illness or medical condition. As with medical records, be able to provide your medical attorney with your record, or with a listing of your mental health care providers.

If you have a serious illness or disease, or if you have been hospitalized, it is likely that you are either on or have been on some type of prescription medication or medications. Your medical attorney will need to know the names of any prescription medications which you have taken, including the dosage. While you may be able to tell your medical lawyer this information or while she may be able to find it out by poring through your medical records, you can also show your medical attorney your prescription medications.

If you have any type of health or disability insurance, it is important that your medical attorney knows about it. Hand your medical lawyer copies of your health or disability insurance policy or, in the case of a group plan of insurance, a copy of your certificate of coverage or participation. This will enable your medical lawyer to review the scope of your health insurance coverage.

If you have health insurance, chances are that your insurance will pay for some or all of your doctor and hospital bills. However, those payments may also be denied for a variety of reasons. Whether you are covered by insurance or not, your medical attorney will be interested in seeing how much you, or your insurance company, were charged for medical care and treatment. Keep copies of any invoices or bills that you receive and provide them to your medical lawyer.

If you have lost time from work as a result of your illness your medical attorney may be able to help you recover some of that loss. Some types of health insurance allow coverage for lost wages or profits. In other situations, your medical attorney may try to collect those lost wages or profits directly from the defendant in your medical lawsuit. Either way, your medical lawyer will need to prove that you actually suffered a wage loss and that it was caused by your illness or hospitalization. One of the easiest ways to prove lost wages is to compare earnings from the periods before and after you were sick or hospitalized. Provide your medical lawyer with these wage records. If you do not have your wage records or pay stubs, your medical attorney will be able to request them from your employer on your behalf.

If you have received any documents from the defendant, make sure that you keep them and provide them to your medical attorney. This will enable your medical attorney obtain proof or knowledge of things the defendant admits to be true. Such documents may provide your medical lawyer with an idea of the liability of the defendant, if any.

If there are other documents relevant to your medical lawsuit, show them to your medical attorney. It may not make a win-or-lose difference in your medical lawsuit, but it will provide your medical lawyer with information about you and your history.

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