Sunday, April 26, 2009

Questions for your prospective medical attorney

When meeting your prospective medical attorney for the first time, the first thing you'd probably want to ask about is the possible outcome of your doctor malpractice case.

This is a good question to ask any medical lawyer. However, beware of medical attorneys who guarantee a big settlement or assure a victory. Keep in mind that basically there are two sides to every legal issue. In addition, there are a lot of other factors that can affect the resolution of your medical lawsuit.

Go ahead and ask for the medical attorney's opinion of your doctor malpractice case's. What does the medical lawyer think your case' strengths and weaknesses are? As a follow-up question, you might want to know whether the medical lawyer thinks the medical lawsuit will settle out of court or go to trial.

How will settlement or going to trial be advantageous or disadvantageous to you? What type of experience does the medical attorney have regarding medical lawsuit trial? Last but not least, ask the medical attorney whether or not he will be willing to appeal the decision in case you lose the medical lawsuit.

The answers to these questions should give you a pretty good idea of how well the medical attorney will be handling your doctor malpractice case if and when you hire him. If in doubt, consult other medical lawyers. Get a second or third opinion about your case.

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