Sunday, February 8, 2009

What if your doctor amputated the wrong limb?

If you have been a victim of doctor malpractice, if your doctor amputated the wrong limb or body part, you need to seek the help of medical lawyers or medical attorneys to know your legal rights.

Your medical lawyer or medical attorney will also shed light on whether or not you have a cause of action to file a medical lawsuit and how much medical compensation you will be able to claim from the medical lawsuit.

A simple mistake in marking up can lead to wrong amputation. This type of medical error or doctor malpractice, unfortunately, still happens.

However, in addition to loss of limb, there are other amputations that can be carried out negligently.

Amputation of the wrong testicle

Removal of the wrong testicle is as serious usual resulting in the patient losing both testicles and perhaps the chance to father children.

The wrong disc in a back

Often back discs are removed when someone suffers severe and constant pain and all other remedies have been attempted. If the wrong disc is removed, it is often sometime before the mistake is realized, usually when the patient is still feeling severe pain.

Amputation of the wrong hip

Another dire and serious case of medical negligence causing complications as a replacement hip does not have a great period of longevity.

What should you do?

The first step is to complain, as soon as possible after the event. You should of course demand an explanation, and ensure that the hospital follows its complaints procedures and responds to your complaint.

At the same time you should also seek advice from medical lawyers or medical attorneys. You will need a medical lawyer to help you with your medical compensation claim.

Even with what seems a relatively straightforward claim, it is complex to value the medical compensation claim and needs and expert.

Valuing your medical compensation claim

A medical attorney will value your claim. He or she will obtain evidence to support all aspects of your medical compensation claim. This will include medical evidence from a surgeon (to serve as an expert witness) to explain what went wrong and to confirm that in their expert opinion the treatment was negligent.

In addition, further medical evidence will be required to explain the pain and suffering that you have experienced, advise on any future treatment or operations required, and to comment on the long term impact of the wrong amputation.

This medical evidence will be used to quantify the claim for your pain and suffering.

In addition, your medical lawyer or medical attorney will also claim for losses and expenses.

If your amputation was to a major limb, this can be significant, including alterations to your house or moving costs to a new house, career retraining, ongoing private medical treatment, medical aids and appliances etc.

Other expenses and losses can also be claimed, including lost earnings and travel costs.

A wrong amputation is a serious and costly mistake. Unfortunately, this type of doctor malpractice can only be remedied by a payment of medical compensation.

This clearly cannot replace the lost limb, but is the best that can be done in the circumstances.

Consult medical lawyers or medical attoryneys as soon as you possibly can, to ensure that you take early action to protect your legal rights, and more importantly, to stop such doctor malpractice from occurring again in the future.

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