Friday, February 27, 2009

Stillbirth death of baby settled for $300,000

This medical lawsuit involves the stillbirth death of baby due to nursing and doctor malpractice. Plaintiff mother was admitted to hospital for delivery of her first child.

Upon admission to labor and plaintiff had an initial high blood pressure reading. The attending doctors and nurses, however, failed to observe the generally accepted standard of care expected of them:
  • No repeat of BPs were taken during labor and delivery.
  • No steps were taken by labor and delivery nurse to initiate intra-uterine resuscitative measures such as oxygen administration or increasing IV fluid rate.
Finally, labor and delivery nurse failed to recognize contraction patterns as a sign of possible uterine abruption.

Plaintiff's unborn child died due to hypoxic ischemia secondary to placental abruption. The case was settled for $300,000.

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