Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recognizing cerebral palsy symptoms

If doctor malpractice at the time of birth results in cerebral palsy symptoms for your child, medical compensation may be available. Your best allies in making an effective medical compensation claim is your medical lawyer.

If your child exhibits cerebral palsy symptoms, he or she may be a victim of doctor malpractice that gives rise to a right to medical compensation claim. Always seek the legal advice of medical attorneys or medical lawyers. Cerebral palsy attorneys or lawyers are the ones most qualified to give you legal advice and information about cerebral palsy symptoms, cerebral palsy lawsuits, doctor malpractice, or other legal issues surrounding birth injury due to doctor malpractice or medical negligence.

Cerebral palsy symptoms can be different in each child. Some children with cerebral palsy only display mild symptoms ranging from clumsiness to awkwardness. However, there are children affected with much more noticeable and disabling cerebral palsy symptoms. These cerebral palsy symptoms include inability to walk, talk, move, or even breathe on their own.

Cerebral palsy symptoms

Recognizing cerebral palsy symptoms early is crucial to obtaining a diagnosis and the necessary treatment for your child. Some of the early cerebral palsy symptoms that a baby may have include:
  • poor head control
  • excessive startling
  • stiffness, floppiness or unusual muscle tone
  • difficulty sucking or feeding
  • delayed motor development
  • poor posture
  • slowness to reach developmental milestones (for example: holding head up, rolling over, crawling, supporting own weight)
  • seizures (signs of seizures in a newborn)
Cerebral palsy symptoms and the disabilities and symptoms an afflicted child displays

Even after your child has been diagnosed of cerebral palsy, it would still be difficult to predict the exact impact cerebral palsy will have on your child’s life. In most cases, based on the displayed cerebral palsy symptoms and a myriad of other tests, a doctor will be able to determine the kind of cerebral palsy the child has, and what the possible physical limitations may be associated with that form of the condition.

Cerebral palsy symptoms and the disability your child suffers can range from mild problems to very severe and debilitating limitations.

Here is a list of some of the more severe cerebral palsy symptoms:
  • mental disabilities
  • hearing and vision problems
  • communication problems
  • difficulty walking
  • difficulty eating
Although Cerebral Palsy is not curable, there are many cerebral palsy treatment options available to help the child lead a more productive and independent life. These include physical and occupational therapy, assistive or applied technology, cerebral palsy surgeries and medications.

To say that caring for a child with cerebral palsy is expensive is an understatement. Caring for a child suffering from cerebral palsy can be financially catastrophic.

If your child's disability was caused by a doctor malpractice or medical negligence at the time of birth, then settlement benefits or medical compensation may be available to cover treatment expenses.

Seek the help of cerebral palsy attorneys

Medical lawyers or medical attorneys specializing in cerebral palsy lawsuits can investigate and review the circumstances surrounding your child's birth. They will determine if the cerebral palsy symptoms and disability was the result of a medical mistake.

The investigation of a cerebral palsy lawsuit requires birth injury specialist medical lawyers or medical attorneys. Look for medical lawyers with the experience and the resources to successfully obtain the medical compensation your child deserves.

There are different deadlines (known as Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations) in each state which could bar the child’s right to obtain cerebral palsy medical compensation.

See a cerebral palsy attorney. Medical lawyers or medical attorneys will conduct a free consultation as well as medical compensation claim evaluation to find out if medical compensation may be available for your child.

You need not pay any fees or expenses unless and until a medical compensation is obtained for the child.

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