Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Erb's Palsy Treatment

Erb's Palsy is a birth injury that is usually caused by medical negligence or doctor malpractice. Usually occurring at birth, Erb's Palsy can lead to weakness or even paralysis of a baby's arm.

Statistics show that one or two out of every 1,000 newborns will suffer Erb's Palsy.

The majority of Erb's Palsy cases will resolve themselves before the child reaches the age of one year.

However, about one out of ten children with cerebral palsy will require exercise, therapy and, in extremely severe cases, even surgery.

Even with the best Erb's palsy treatment available today, children suffering from the most severe cases of Erb's palsy will continue to suffer considerable lifelong functional limitations as regards the use of the affected arm and hand.

If the Erb's palsy does not resolve itself, there are many ways treating of it.

If the birth injury is the result of medical or doctor malpractice, children who undergo these treatments (and their families) have a right to be compensation for medical bills and also for their pain and suffering.

Erb's palsy treatment:
  • Non-surgical treatment
    • Physical therapy and range of motion exercises
      • Do this DAILY and as often as possible during the day.
      • Start when your baby is about THREE WEEKS OLD.
      • The exercises will maintain the range of motion in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.
      • This will prevent JOINT CONTRACTURE, a condition whereby the baby's joint becomes permanently stiff.
  • Surgical treatment - Do not resort to surgical remedies UNLESS you have exhausted all non-surgical Erb's palsy treatments AND if there's no improvement in your baby's condition over the first three to six months.
    • The doctor may discuss exploratory surgery on the nerves to improve the potential outcome.
    • As of yet nerve surgery cannot restore the arm and hand's normal function. This procedure is usually not helpful for older infants. Bear in mind that nerves grow very slowly, and it may take from several months to several years for nerves repaired at the neck to eventually find their way to the muscles of the lower arm and hand.
Even after surgery, a lot of Erb's Palsy patients will continue to have some weakness in the affected shoulder and arm.

We never lose hope that someday medical science will discover a treatment that will restore this function.

Legal help and information for Erb's palsy victims

Erb's palsy lawyers and attorneys will offer free consultation or case evaluations to families whose children are diagnosed with Erb's Palsy.

A competent Erb's Palsy lawyer or attorney will see to it that any medical or doctor malpractice settlement or reward will include payments for future treatment and therapies, as well as pain and suffering.

Erb's Palsy lawyers can help families obtain compensation when their baby's injury was caused by medical negligence or doctor malpractice.

If your baby is suffering from Erb's Palsy and you believe that it was caused by medical negligence or doctor malpractice, then you and your child may have a cause of action or a legal right to claim medical compensation.

Speak to an experienced Erb's Palsy lawyer about your case immediately.

There is a statutory time limit called Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations. This means that generally, beyond this time limit, you can no longer bring an action against an obstetrician physician for doctor malpractice.

You need to act now by consulting an Erb's palsy lawyer or attorney and ask him about what available rights and options you have under the law.

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